How To Store Saffron

How To Store Saffron

With the high price associated with saffron its important that you store your saffron properly to ensure that the aroma and flavor is not lost. Although there are different beliefs on proper saffron storage this is our guide:

1. Air Tight

Saffron needs to be stored in an air tight container to prevent humidity from entering the packaging. Like most spices its important that its stored in a manner that stops air circulation.

2. Dark Space

Most people overlook this, its important that saffron is stored in a dark space away from sun light.
women opening cabinet

3. Cool Area

Its also important that you dont store saffron in the fridge or above the stove. It needs to be stored in a cool area where it isnt subject to extreme tempurature change.

Now that you know how to properly store saffron, check out our collection and add a new spice to your cabinet.

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